Monday 29 April 2013

10 weeks!!

SO! Here at ten weeks. Finally got my forms from the midwives centre and hospital with the scan and booking appointment and about half a tree's worth of leaflets, forms and information and suddenly it seems SO REAL!

To be honest with you over the last couple of days my symptoms have really subisded. So what do I do? Cheer and eat all the food that I have been wanting to eat and haven't been able to? Go out with friends as I suddenly have my old energy levels back? No i do something much more emotionally healthy - I furiously being checking Google as to why my symptoms have disappeared!!

Yes I have fallen headlong into the Googling trap! Turns out that it may just be a hormone plateau or that the placenta has begun to take over the production of hormone rather than the ovaries which means less hormones flooding my blood stream.

I can't help feeling that something's wrong - so I have just 'peed on a stick' (oh this delightful pregnancy jargon) and of course a dark line showed up straight away. But can you blame me? 10 weeks - that's so early that apart from the symptoms there is no other way to tell that I am pregnant. I have even lost weight over the last weeks steadily due to my lessened and limited diet. So of course I thought that buying a HPT would help. It has momentarily - i felt elated when that line darkened! And then I remembered.

My best friend who had pregnancy hormones racing round her body when unbeknownst to her the baby had died some weeks previously.

I know I have to snap out of this and begin enjoying this pregnancy but until we go to the scan (scheduled for 12 weeks and 5 days) and see that little baby wriggling and hear that hb, I don't think I can..

Week 10 photo 

Symptoms - Still had a gnawing hunger on awakening and sore boobs but appetite has mostly returned and skin is beginning to clear up.


photo credit: BEYOURPET via photopin cc

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