Thursday 16 May 2013

1/3 of the way...weird!

Yes we appear to have made it to 12 weeks! I'm 12 weeks+2 (pregnancy dating system there for you) and appear to be progressing...I think.

Still can't shake that feeling of something being wrong or that maybe I'm having a phantom pregnancy. I keep looking at my nipples and areolas (it whiles away the minutes I tell you) and trying to decide if they really are darker. Asking the old ball and chain is not an option as I'm sure you understand.  Try asking your partner to look at your nipples and tell you if they are darker. I'm sure he'll tell you that all he heard was "Look at my Nipples! Touch Them! NIPPLES!!"

And I have been trying to see if I can feel my uterus for the past couple of days as apparently it begins rising up from the pubic region at around 12 weeks. 
First thing in the morning I seem to be able to feel it, but then maybe it's my bladder?!

I have been feeling a bit calmer and not as sick in the mornings so that's one thing I am glad for.

I also had my booking appointment with the community midwife. I have decided to opt for a home birth (all being well) and as such have the benefit of having the same midwife for the whole of my pregnancy, birth and aftercare! This seems like a luxury compared to some of friends' experiences with the NHS. One friend saw 12 different midwives during her antenatal visits and let's not talk about the birth...(3rd degree tear!!!!) OK OK I know this is all circumstantial but it has been statistically proven that home births require less pain relief (of the injected kind) and also less medical intervention overall.

This website is what clinched it for me - along with the wonderful experience so far with Brierly Midwives.

Symptoms - Still feeling naseous but now have the added glamour of burping - mostly during the evening. Tiredness comes and goes, I seem to be sleeping better at the moment. 

photo credit: benjibot via photopin cc

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