Tuesday 9 April 2013

Up and Down and Back Again

The irony has not escaped me. Only last week, I was trawling through websites trying to figure out if no morning sickness was a good thing or a bad sign and hoping, wishing for some sort of nausea.

Well you'll be pleased to know that I not only had morning sickness, but I had afternoon, evening and waking up in the night nausea.
It hit me with such force on Sunday night, that I was spitting up blood - which kicked off a new frantic search on the internets. However, it seems my aggressive throwing up was enough to hurt my throat and it was nothing more to worry about.

Since then, it's been eating crackers upon waking and keeping my handbag stocked with muesli bars. Annoyingly the only things that I can eat seem to be simple carbs and fats like cheese and crackers, small portions of creamy rice or pasta and bread. Vegetables are bloating and anything with an ounce of taste wants to come back up!!

The other half has been amazing, waking up earlier than me to get me a cracker or biscuit and making me teas on the weekend. He even did all the housework yesterday - I might have to get him an apron!

This weekend I did manage to have a little lunch party with some close friends and told them about the pregnancy - they were overjoyed, especially as one is mum to a 7 month old and can't wait until we can keep each other company. Being a mother can be a lonely profession at times it seems and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face!!

I had a dream about telling all my other friends, just need to get to the end of the 12 weeks and hopefully a successful scan. Meanwhile, it's back to the bathroom.

Symptoms : Feeling all day/night sick, painful breasts which come and go. Skin is clearing up however, Still very tired but sleep quality a bit better.

photo credit: Evil Erin via photopin cc

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