Sunday 28 July 2013

Babymoon time

Just got back from the most wonderful holiday. 7 days of (almost) nothing but rest, relaxation and the company of my dear lovely hubby.

With my mind on the redundancy and the worrying about finding a new flat, we weren't sure if it was the right thing to do to go away but I am so so glad that we did.

It was everything we needed and more. We were able to really talk and discuss some important matters, we had the time to just enjoy each other's company without watching the clock and most of all we were able to focus on being a couple in love rather than just new parents-to-be.

As exciting and brilliant as our new journey is, I really hope that we don't lose sight of what makes us tick as a couple and the fact that we are husband and wife and more to the point a young (sort-of!) couple in love.

AND the best thing of all...I felt the little one actually finally properly move!

A real swishing moving around that I was absolutely certain for the first time was not my stomach or myriad other organs but really was my baby!

Symptoms- movement! apart from that not much to report except my hunger level has definitely increased.

photo credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

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