Thursday 18 July 2013

Halfway there ?!!

Somehow the halfway mark is upon us!!

I can't quite believe that I am 20 weeks pregnant - not a huge amount has happened in the last three weeks regarding the baby - no pains or even feeling flutters but lots has happened with me.

I have been made redundant. Yes I know - great timing. We have to move out of our flat at the end of Summer as it's in no way suitable for a baby and we are going on holiday in a couple of weeks - we weren't going to go seeing as I have joined the ranks of the unemployed but it's pretty much paid for and a friend of mine with a young baby urged me to take that last couple holiday.

Seesh that makes everything seems so final! I am so excited about the baby but it's obviously going to be a huge change with an extra little being around us all the time (for the first few months anyway) so we have made a pact to really cherish these next few months as husband and wife and turn down weekend invites if we have to so we can make time for ourselves.

Regarding the unemployment, the crappy thing is that I am not eligible for Statutory maternity pay anymore as I have been made redundant at too earlier a stage in the pregnancy but I should be eligible for maternity allowance which is a similar payment from the Govt. It's a bit of a kick in the teeth really seeing as I have been working for the last ten years since I left uni and thought I would have paid enough into the system by now for a bit more...oh well!

It means stricter budgets, lots more second hand stuff and hopefully generous grandparents!

Symptoms- Had a really sore back after a wedding (even with flat heels) and sitting in the park. Pregnancy really changes what your body can do - it's very weird!

photo credit: 3dom via photopin cc

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